Teaching Independence
[Photo: Pixabay/Pexels]
Children begin taking steps toward independence very early in life, and parents play an important role in helping their children learn to be independent. As children grow, their desire to be more independent also grows. If they have been taught to make good decisions in their early years, they will be better prepared to handle more independence in later years.
Children must be allowed to make decisions and be held responsible for their decisions. When children are allowed to make decisions, they must also be allowed to experience the consequences of those decisions.
Don’t rush to do something for your child when they are having difficulties. Encourage them first and express your faith that they will achieve what they set out to do.
[´Photo: Pixabay/Pexels]
We must take the time to train our children. A child can learn many things if parents take the time to teach in small steps and allow time to learn. Offer help without criticism. Ask if they need help. If so, explain again and be patient.
Ask yourself if your child can do something for himself. If the answer is yes, let them do it. Teaching a child to be independent is not always easy, but the rewards will last for a lifetime.