Toys for Young Children
[Photo: Digital Buggu/Pexels]
Safety, durability and play value are basic considerations to guide your choice when buying toys for young children. Double-check all toys for safety: are there little removable parts, sharp edges, or ripped seams on stuffed toys? For durability, check the sturdiness of the toy and how easily it can be cleaned. Toddlers like to chew on, pull, bang, and drop toys. For play value, consider the child’s readiness, interests and abilities.
Simple toys are best because they stimulate imaginative play and kids usually play with them the longest! Pots, pans, spoons, blocks, and crayons hold their interest for long periods of time.
[Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels]
From 12-24 months of age recommended toys are: balls, boxes, picture books, simple puzzles, toy phones, pull toy sand ride-on toys.
From 24-36 months: musical toys, pretend places like farms and houses, pretend things like appliances, tools, costumes, art supplies and storybooks. Playhouses, water tables and sand tables are also great options.
Toddlers can learn many skills with simple toys; not having the expensive toy will not deprive them of the learning experience. They can learn skills using simple toys and simple stimulation techniques.