Unconditional Love
[Unsplash: Anna Kolosyuk]
All parents want to raise healthy and happy children. The essential ingredient for this is unconditional love. But what is the best way to communicate unconditional love to your child?
A child who knows that their parents love them no matter what they feel, no matter what they do, and no matter what mistakes they make will grow into a responsible adult with healthy self-esteem. Mix praise with unconditional love. Praise good behaviors randomly so your child receives a positive view of themselves and becomes secure in their accomplishments.
At the same time, it is important to show them you love them and value them, even when not working on behavior. This reassures them that they don't need to earn your love, because they already have it.
So, how do we show unconditional love?
[Unsplash: Ricardo Moura]
1. Tell children clearly and directly that you love them.
2. Show them appreciation. 'I love watching you grow!' or 'I loved my day with you'
3. Show love through touch; hugs, kisses, and pats on the back.
4. Spend focused time with each child, putting aside everything else and giving them your entire attention. This makes them feel worthy and valued.
5. Guide behavior with respect. What is said and done when children make mistakes is important. Learn to separate what your child does from how
you feel about them. Express frustration, but always emphasize how important they are to you and that you will always love them.
A child that feels loved and secure is a child free to learn and grow.