The Importance of Routines
Establishing and abiding by daily routines brings a host of benefits, but when is the best time to start? When it comes to routines, the earlier the better! A lack of routine leaves room for children to acquire bad habits that become more difficult to modify as time goes by. You can start practically from birth. The first routines to establish for our children are feeding, hygiene and sleep schedules.
The benefits of daily routines are numerous; they encourage organizational habits, favor the development of autonomy, generate security and stability, and lower levels of uncertainty and anxiety. In addition, having a pre-established routine will allow children to easily adapt to different situations, including their adaptation when they enter school or extracurricular activities. Tracking routines also helps children understand time sequences and helps focus attention on specific tasks, both of which are important learning objectives.
Routines are essential for child development.
If you want your child to learn habits and routines, the best way to teach them is to lead by example with your daily practices. The more positive habits they create, the more prepared they will be for success in life.